Welcome to Our Parish

St. David’s Anglican Church is a young Anglican parish, gathering officially in early 2020. We recently moved to a larger and more beautiful space that will accommodate our growing parish at 4061 W Riverbend Ave, Post Falls, ID. Join us for worship and stay for a shared meal after worship.

Join Us for Worship

The St. David’s Anglican Church is a young Anglican church in North Idaho. A handful of us began gathering for weekly Compline (“completing the day in prayer”) in the summer of 2019. As we grew, we focused our worship time on Sunday mornings for the Service of Word and Sacrament in February, 2020. In addition, we meet Wednesday evenings for our 3 Priories (Liberty Lake, Post Falls, and CDA) for supper, Holy Conversation, and Compline. We value Scripture, prayer, Holy Eucharist, study, ancient and new music, and mission.

We are Anglicans because we believe that the Anglican tradition faithfully expresses the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and thereby gives a God-centered, Scripture-saturated, prayer-immersed shape to all corporate worship and daily discipleship. This tradition draws from the Early Church Fathers and ancient practices that provide structure and rhythm for worship and in our lives today. Anglicanism is not just about “going to church”; instead, we are invited into a way of life, a “rule of life”.

St David’s is a part of the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA) and is in fellowship with millions of Anglicans worldwide.

St. David of Wales - 6th Century Bishop

Worship Schedule

Thank you for joining us at the Service of Lessons and Carols Dec. 24. We loved singing the traditional carols with you, hearing the Story of the angels, and lighting the candles that reminded us of the One True Light that has come into our world. (As a side note, we ran out of chairs!)  See you next year!

Weekly Worship


9:30 Morning Prayer (spoken)

10:30am Service of Word and Sacrament This is a traditional service where the Liturgy is sung along with hymns, chanted Psalm, and songs. Following worship we have lunch and hearty fellowship together.

Priories (home gatherings) meet every Wednesday in Liberty Lake, WA; Post Falls, ID; Coeur d’Alene, ID; and Spirit Lake, ID. Email the church for details and locations at sdacpf@gmail.com.

Morning Prayer

Wednesdays and Fridays – 7:30-8:10 am – via Conference Call (540) 792-0080 Access code 577610# Morning Prayer Liturgy Lin,

Fr Thomas Hall - Priest, Rector Emeritus

Our rector, Fr Thomas, received his theological training at Princeton Theological Seminary (M.Div and Th.M) and pursued a PhD in Liturgical Studies at Drew University Graduate School. He has served as pastor or church planter in New Jersey, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Montana, and now Idaho.  Fr Thomas and his wife, Dixie, have two married children and two grandsons (who are acolytes at St David’s).

Fr Joshua Misner - Rector

Fr. Joshua Misner is the Associate Rector at St. David’s. He graduated from Trinity Anglican Seminary in 2021 and was made a deacon the same year, then ordained a priest in 2022. He recently defended his STM thesis covering early Prayer Book history and a doctrine of creation. He continues to study Prayer Book history as well as biblical interpretation. Fr. Josh and his wife, Emily, recently celebrated ten years of marriage and they have two daughters. They love the West, its beauty, and its people, and serve alongside the people of St. David’s as they proclaim the Gospel of Jesus in North Idaho.

Dixie Hall - Principal Musician

Dixie has an MM degree in Performance from Westminster Choir College in Princeton, NJ, and has served several congregations along with her husband, our rector. She works with other musicians at St David’s as well as composes service music for the liturgy.  Dixie is currently a member of the Music Resources Task Force for the ACNA.

Emily Misner - Director of Liturgical Music

Emily Misner holds a BM in Music Composition and graduated with an MAR in Church History and Theology from Trinity Anglican Seminary in 2023. She is primarily interested in musical theology, and has written on music in the liturgy by examining specific Anglican exemplars. She continues to compose sacred choral music and mass settings, and is passionate about sharing her love for all forms of chant. She’s excited to join her husband Joshua in ministry to North Idaho, and is thankful to raise their daughters with a love for God’s beautiful creation. Emily is currently a member of the Music Resources Task force for the ACNA.

How Can We Serve You?

We are inspired and humbled by processionals, centuries-rich prayers, confession and absolution, readings from Holy Scripture, and homiles.  And we have discovered that the Eucharist offers us a life-giving response to the Word. 

If you are not from a liturgical or sacramental background, then fasten your seatbelt: Anglican worship involves the whole person and draws on all our senses. You’ll enter worship to smells and banners and crosses and icons and music as ancient as the 5th century and as new as this year. Our whole being is fully engaged in worship. We kneel, stand, sit. We listen to lessons—passages of Scripture—chant Psalms, and affirm our trust in the Triune God in the ancient Creeds. 

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