Ever gotten in over your head trying to fix something? Happened to me this week. I went to heat up a cup of coffee
Ever gotten in over your head trying to fix something? Happened to me this week. I went to heat up a cup of coffee
Getting to Church How do you get to church? From what direction do you come to get there? I think that’s what our gospel lesson
Today, if you live in the German-speaking parts of the world, you’ll hear, er ist auferstanden! Or, if you are one of the six hundred
Untombed John 11:1-6; 20-44 Thomas Hall Today’s gospel lesson is found in John 11—the story about Lazarus, Mary, Martha—and eventually, Jesus. And since this is
So, by now we know that everything has changed. The old normal no longer exists and the new normal is only beginning to come into
Our weekly service schedule is:
9:30 Morning Prayer (Spoken service with chanted Psalter)
10:30am – Service of Word and Table (Lots of music!)
Priories (home groups) will restart in September.